October 23, 2007


To all Ron Paul Supporters, consider this a declaration of e-war, a non-violent war where we will set the record straight.


I, VirginiaforMitt08, do hereby declare an internet war against the Ron Paul Revolution.

Whereas, the Ron Paul Revolution would like to have the foreign policy of the 1790's Colonial America reincarnated today

Whereas, the Ron Paul Revolution is against aggressively pursuing terrorists because that is supposedly banned in the constitution

Whereas, the Ron Paul Revolution has spammed a majority of polls conducted on the internet

Whereas, the Ron Paul Revolution is in denial that Ron Paul has flip flopped since he was a libertarian and has suddenly undergone a conversion to being a Republican

Whereas, the Ron Paul Revolution think that they own the internet

Whereas, the Ron Paul Revolution is in single digits in most scientifically conducted polls

Let it be resolved here today that the Ron Paul Revolution will be challenged to a battle of educated arguments and not mean attacks. We pledge not to spam online polls and let the people speak for themselves, not computer generated programs that can vote 1724309483212 times for a certain candidate. We pledge to speak intelligently about the positions of each candidate and to not post comments that lack intelligent responses.


UPDATE: The Ron Paul internet following is insane, this will take a good effort from the Romney webroots to win this battle!

UPDATE 10:54 PM: Redstate.com has banned the Ron Paul Revolution due to the annoyance that they have created. Check it out here at Politico.

UPDATE 10:56 PM: Whereas, Ron Paul bears a striking resemblance to the insane cult leader of Heavens Gate!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Mean attack on my part, i apologize, but i thought it would be funny, no excuses though

UPDATE: Last night Ron Paul addressed the American University CR's and said "My ideas are sweeping the nation faster than the Califronia wild fire." Thats a pretty rude thing to say in the face of this disaster. That is all I'm going to say, I'll let everyone else be the judge here.


Russian Racehorse said...

Ronald Reagan said, "If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals–if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is."

Yes, Virginia, Ron Paul is a libertarian, a true conservative, and a republican. He has been consistent to these values. To argue anything else is simply a matter of semantics.

Anonymous said...

Russian Racehorse, you can not be everything. You can embrace some positions from each idealogy. If you look at the platforms of the liebrtarian party and the republican party they are quite different. If they were so similar why did the libertarians have ot form there own party?

Anonymous said...

Umm, okay. That was retarded.

What are you, 12?

Anonymous said...

I think it is about time people have a honest discussion. Disinter I noticed that you posted quite a bit in some of the previous posts. It looks like you are not capable of having a honest discussion about issues. You are the 12 year old.

Anonymous said...

When we elect a President in 2008, Foreign Policy will be one of the most important issues facing the new candidate. It is important that we have a nominee for the GOP that knows what he is talking about when it comes to foreign policy. The foreign policy of Ron Paul is extremely dangerous because it does not address how to deal with terrorism. He claims that terrorism was caused by the U.S.A. but even when we were not involved in the middle east terrorism occurred. Mitt Romney has a plan for true strength in foreign policy which Ron Paul does not.

Unknown said...

I think it's great that some other candidates besides Ron Paul are starting to support their candidates online. And, even though I support Ron Paul, I would agree with you that he is not really a Republican.

The Republican party is and has always been the part of Lincoln. He wanted to protect northern manufacturing interests (big business) with high tariffs that punished southerners, institute cronyism as he passed out lucritave 'internal imporvement' contracts to his buddies, circumvent the Constitution by arresting Maryland State legislators so they couldn't vote to secede, free slaves only in those states that weren't under federal control, and start an illegal war, which led to the unecessary deaths of hundreds of of thousands Americans. The Republican party has not substantially changed its agenda since the Civil War - but without the Republican Party how might Constitutionalists fight socialism?

Anonymous said...

rhys, i agree with you on almost all of that. the only part i find disagreement is that the republican party will always be the party of lincoln. i find my self agreeing with him on the issue of slavery but he really destroyed the constitution during his presidency. inf act, the republican party of today preaches states rights. since the presidency of lincoln states have lost many important rights.

as a native of maryland it pains me to hear about the rights of my forefathers that were trampled.

Anonymous said...

check this out, RPR is disgusting


Anonymous said...

Rhys- Keep a grudge long? I was pretty pissed at how the Election of 1876 was stolen- but I think I've gotten over it?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the election of 1876 was STOLEN!!!! I AM STILL MAD

Unknown said...

I personally don't like the term conservative, because it generally mean "resistance to change". It would be better expressed as "traditionalism".

This is not, and has never been my position. However, there was a time when Conservative and Libertarian were mostly synonymous. The Goldwater campaign was an example of this. Goldwater would probably be a Libertarian, rather than a Republican, were he alive today. Why? Because Republicans are still resisting change, but now they are resisting changing from less freedom (the welfare state, managed currency, constant intervention, an overpowering federal government) to more freedom (capitalism, free currency, defensive war only, states rights).

The root of the problem remains: there is no "true conservatism", because "true conservatism shifts with the status quo".

Anonymous said...

If you stand for principles run on them. If your principles line up with a different party you should run with that party. Why is ROn Paul afraid to run in a party that is identical to his views?