October 24, 2007

Fred Thompson Campaign "Under-Whelming"

This is the same thing that eveyrone has been saying. The campaignof Fred Thomspon is underwhelming. Underwhelming.

People who supported Fred before they knew too much about him are defecting as we speak. How much longer can Fred's support maintain the campagin? He leads in no polls in the early states. If he can't win in the early states he'll be out before the end of January. He is having an extremely ahrd time coming off to caucus voters in Iowa and primary voters in New Hampshire.

Since Fred is trying to pain himself as the conservative alternative to Rudy I think you will see a lot of his support defect towards Romney during the coming months.

Slate has it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fred is going down, but I see them going to Huckabee