November 30, 2007


Make sure to attend the RPV Advance to vote in the Virginia Straw Poll this Saturday. You must be a Virginian to vote! Voting will be at the RPV Advance which will be held at the Crystal City Hyatt Regency. Lets get another win for MITT!


johnqcasual said...

I'll be there. Be sure to look for a tall guy with glasses and a one year old baby.

I am going to challenge the Ron Paul fans to an arm wrestling competition.

johnqcasual said...

Pretty quiet event for Mitt fans. Too bad. Paultards were out in full force. (I use the term lovingly, of course. The only reason I was there was because I was able to bum a ride from some Pauls upporters, so no ill will here.)

It was fun, but we should have made some more noise.

Anonymous said...

watch the video:

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure RON PAUL WON!!!

Writer said...

Thompson WON!!! Paul bused in supporters and paid for their tickets. The real mood of Virginia is for Thompson who placed in second!