October 28, 2007

Value-Less Rudy

Quick scenario of what would happen if RUDY receives the nomination.

The Republican Party has always been the party of ideas and values. We have always claimed that we are more moral than our counterparts. That is why when an incident like that of Senator Larry Craig occurs it is more scandalous than if it were to happen to a Democrat. The Values has always been one additional thing that sets a contrast between the Republicans and the Democrats. If we lose those values, the parties only continue to become more and more similar.

A Republican like Rudy Giuliani is dangerous for our party and our country. As he draws the similarities between himself and democrats in 2008, which he will, people will start to ask the question, "Is he even a Republican?" or "How is he a Republican?" When that starts to happen the parties begin to get lost. What does the RNC do about there platform that RUDY will have completely thrown in the trash? Does anyone remember that the presidential nominee gets to pick the party chair? Does anyone want his left-of-center choice?

New York Times had an article today called Rudy the Values Slayer. This is the first time I agreed with the NYT. In 2008, Hillary is going to be able to draw that distinction about Rudy. She will label him as one who does not have firm stances and he will fall, and with that the Republican party will crumble. Is this a step you Rudy supporters want to take?


Anonymous said...

Rudy will be the end of our party. We must get Mitt to win to stop this crap.

Anonymous said...

When you do not stand for anything you will surely fall

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory