October 25, 2007


Ron Paul at American University on the evening of 10/24/2007, "My ideals are sweeping the country faster than the wildfires in California."

Is this not a stupid thing to say? I hope all of his supporters in Southern California heard him say that! It's great to hear people equate their campaigns to a disaster, which is what you would call his campaign.

SOURCE: 2 people present and 1 EXTREME Ron Paul Supporter have confirmed his statements. They have all requested to remain anonymous due to the line of work that they are in.

UPDATE: Trying to obtain transcript/video of event.


Anonymous said...


Or did you make that up too?

VirginiaforMitt08 said...

i do have sources. this was not made up. check out the story.

Anonymous said...

disinter get over yourself. there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. you have to admit when a candidate makes a mistake. Ron Paul is not Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is offensive about this? Spreading like wildfire is a pretty common term. Ron Paul's campaign is the only campaign not paying lipservice to the fact that there has been a tragedy out west: they're donating money from a campaign fundraiser to help private individuals get back on their feet. I don't see Mitt "let me check with my lawyers" Romney helping out.

Anonymous said...

hotchney, Mitt Romney has a son that is involved in the disaster. His son and family had to evacuate. So don't say he doesn't care!

By the way, making light of a fire that is extremely destructive is a big no! Are all of the Ron Paul people this insensitive???

Anonymous said...

hotchney are you retarded? Mitt's son has had to evacuate his house because of the fire!

Anonymous said...

It probably wasn't the best thing to say. Anyone who's heard Paul talk or knows anything about the man would know he wasn't intentionally trying to hurt anyone.

Would this be comparable to something like Romney stating that his sons weren't in Iraq because they are serving their country by campaigning for their Dad?

Everyone makes a gaff once in a while, don't they?

Anonymous said...

there is a large difference between someone volunteering to join the army and someone making light of a disaster

Anonymous said...

He obviously wasn't trying to make light of a disaster. Have you even watched the video? No? Didn't think so....

Anonymous said...

Who was talking about volunteering to join the army? It was MITT ROMNEY who made light of the DISASTER that is Iraq. He made light of the fact that our men and women are being killed and injured every single day, and he SUPPORTS this war! Even while his precious sons enjoy the privileged lives that save them from having to join the military like so many of our low and middle-income citizens do to try and make a life for themselves. What an arrogant, self-centered PIG he is. And you brain dead morons want to attack Paul for comparing his campaign to a wildfire. Grow up already. PLEASE.

Anonymous said...

It would appear that the Ron Paul supporters don't understand what a volunteer army is. It means that you sign up to go, not be forced by your Government. You would think that someone like Ron Paul would support that instead of a draft. I guess I should also define a draft as well since you guys think that Mitt's sons bought there way out of the war. A draft is when your government makes you fight.

Not everyone is in Iraq. Just because you support a war doesn't mean you have to be in the Army. I support the war but I am not in the Armed Forces. I feel that my abilities to serve this nation are best used somewhere other than the battlefield.

If every supporter of the war was currently in the Army, the Army would have over 40 Million soldiers. Isn't that a little excessive?

Anonymous said...

You've missed the point I think. This has nothing to do with the Army or the draft. It has to do with the title of this page "Ron Paul Says Offensive Comment." He possibly made a gaff, just as many other candidates have done. Anyone who listens to the video of this even can tell he meant nothing by it. This is just another attempt to smear him, and a pretty lame one at that. If there were anything really horrible or evil about the man, I imagine people could do better than to grasp at straws like this.

Anonymous said...

As a Ron Paul supporter, I agree it was a very dumb thing to say. And to certain supporters who attack anyone who might point out a bad thing about our candidate, this is the "Virginia for Mitt" website. Isn't it part of their, you know, job to try to point out negatives of other candidates? Of course, I sincerely doubt that anyone supporting Paul is going to stop because of one dumb comment (I'm certainly not) but let's not attack anyone for saying something negative (if it's actually true, of course, if it's a fabrication or a misinterpretation, have at it.) I say we Paul supporters should support our candidate by pointing to his positives, and pointing out negative attributes of other candidates. Let's not waste our time yelling at anyone who mentions anything negative about Paul.

Anonymous said...

justin offerman, excellent stuff.

Anonymous said...

well everyone needs to be able to look at the pros and cons of each candidate. there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. everyone has flaws. you can not ignore that fact.

Anonymous said...

I haven't actually decided who I'm going to vote for yet. I came to this page looking for something really offensive Paul might have said, based on the title. Geez. If you've ever really listened to a YouTube video of one of his rallies, you can tell he would never say anything like this with the intention of hurting or offending someone. He seems to be a very kind, respectful and honest sort. It probably wasn't a very smart thing to say, but I'd hardly label it as "offensive."

I see all kinds of bloggers pointing out little things like this and trying to make them into headline stories or "big" news. It kind of reminds me of vultures, swooping down to pick him apart at the first sign of trouble. If anything, it makes me even more interested in him, because I want to know why there are so many people who go out of their way to cast him in a bad light. What's everybody so afraid of? And if the mainstream media sees fit to disregard him and attempt to marginalize him, maybe I SHOULD be paying more attention to him....

johnqcasual said...

Dumb thing for Paul to say...but obviously he intended no offense. Of course, I don't think Romney ever intends offense either, but then we still have the uproar over his sons not volunteering to join a volunteer army which is still being brought up today.

I guess my main point is--no, it's not a big deal that he said it, because he's not a mainstream candidate yet. I assure you, the media would go NUTS if Guiliani or Romney had compared their campaign to the wildfire in California.

It's cool that we have a bunch of Paul fans here. I'm a Romney guy myself. Anyone else going to the Virginia straw poll? It's going to rock. We should all meet up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'll be at the straw poll.

Anonymous said...

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