October 26, 2007

Ron Paul Gains Ground In N.H.

It appears after the latest poll taken of New Hampshire voters that Ron Paul is gaining ground in New Hampshire. This is truly sad for several candidates. Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee both placed behind Ron Paul. That is a true sign of weakness for both of them.

Paul, whose campaign some regard as a joke, is beating serious contenders such as Thompson and Huckabee. This is a large problem for both of those candidates. Since Huckabee is struggling to gain name id this is just another blow.

The serious problem here is that Thompson who is 2nd in most national polls is not leading in any early primary states. Also, he is behind RON PAUL in New Hampshire. EMBARRASSING. Thompson, just call it quits. Finishing like that in a poll should make you finally want to get off your butt and get some work done.

New York Times Article.


Anonymous said...

Thompson is blowing it

johnqcasual said...

I still can't believe Thompson is doing so well in national polling. I know national polls don't matter at this point, but still. Are people really that dumb?

Anonymous said...

I agree. How can you poll that well nationally and be tanking in all the early state polls. Does not make sense.

Anonymous said...

That's funny, I thought Ron Paul was a serious candidate.