October 17, 2007

Rudy Will Lose, No Doubt About It

Everyone knows about Hillary. Everyone knows her past. Everyone knows that they don't like her. We have all known about the negatives of Hillary Clinton for many many many years. Even though we do know those negatives she still does extremely well in polling. If everything goes as it currently is, Hillary will be the nominee come the end of primary season. If that is the case, do we want to nominate a candidate that has a questionable past that most people do not know about?

With Rudy the GOP is at an extremely large loss. Discounting the fact that he is by no way a republican he is still a horrible candidate. The cross-dressing stuff, living with some gay guys, etc.. How many Americans know about that stuff now? Less than 2% is my guess. How many Americans will know about that after Hillary blows it all over the air waves? 100%? Hillary already has all her dirt out. There is almost nothing new that could come at her. With Rudy everything is new and damaging. Rudy is at an extreme disadvantage to Hillary by the shear fact that he has just as much dirt but none of it is exposed. This will be the undoing of Rudy and the crowning moment for Hillary if the GOP nominates Rudy.

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