October 20, 2007


Governor Romney won the FRC Action's Washington Briefing Straw Poll. Romney beat Fred Thompson by receiving 3 times as many votes as him. ROMNEY RECEIVED 15 TIMES THE NUMBER OF VOTES THAT RUDY DOES.

This poll, conducted among a group of people that are important to have on your side, continues to show Governor Romney's strength. Mitt Romney has done a fantastic job in courting the religious groups as well as other coalitions. In 2000, as soon as the religious groups came on board with Bush, all the other candidates were done. This is looking very similar to how Bush won the primaries in 2000.

Poll Results Here.


Anonymous said...

Well... Actually- Huckabee won the people who were at the conference.

Anonymous said...

winning the people at the conference isn't winning the straw poll. Romney had the numbers!

Anonymous said...

Of the people who saw them speak:

Mike Huckabee 488 51.26%
Mitt Romney 99 10.40%
Fred Thompson 77 8.09%
Tom Tancredo 65 6.83%%
Rudy Giuliani 60 6.30%
Duncan Hunter 54 5.67%
John McCain 30 3.15%

Impressive for Huckabee!

Anonymous said...

how did you get that info?

Anonymous said...

From the website... Clearly people who hear Mike Huckabee- a real conservative- speak- know he's the real deal.

Anonymous said...

Sorta like how Mike Huckabee came in second at Ames without spending anywhere NEAR what Mitt Romney did per person. Just shows- you can only buy so many votes.

Anonymous said...

Well Romney won fair and square. Even still Romney won Ames! Huckabee didnt, I guess all the illegal immigrants he supports letting into the country forgot to show up and vote for him at Ames!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Restaurant Reviewer said...

The truth of the matter is that did anyone think that Huckabee would not do well at FRC. He is a Baptist minister and he know's how to talk to that group of people. He can swing a hard right in there and not sound like he is pandering...he is a Baptist from Arkansas.

Mitt Romney has a healthy showing and overall, the FRC straw poll gave Mitt a win because people realize that while Huckabee might be "one of their own," Mitt has the tools, the experience and the attitude to change Washington.

What we also saw is that the Mormon thing is dying out...the media keeps it fueling, which is not shocking because the media has a liberal bias and realizes a Mitt Nomination is threatining towards Hillary.

Mitt should be the nominee, and will be the nominee, and then...he will be the 44th President of the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

Is it my fault that my candidate actually accepts Jesus Christ as his lord and savior?

Anonymous said...

woah christians for huckabee....woah are we voting for the minister in chief?