October 26, 2007

People Need to Remember...

Interesting article by Charles Krauthammer today on RCP. Charles insists that people need to stop saying that the GOP field for President is not strong. Charles makes a great case.

People often forget that Ronald Reagan was a Democrat at one time. Krauthammer points out that Reagan signed a bill in favor of abortion as Governor of California. As President, Reagan was pro-life, no longer pro-choice. Would anyone today call Reagan a flip-flopper?

Romney led Massachusetts at a time that was not good. Businesses were leaving, unemployment was on the rise, the deficit was spinning out of control. He fixed all of that following conservative principles. Have people forgotten about that?

There is no good case anymore to say Romney is not a conservative. The religious right is beginning to fall in line behind Mitt and the early primary polls show Mitt is on the rise.

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