October 29, 2007


Senator Judd Gregg(R-N.H.) has endorsed MITT ROMNEY. This is a colossal moment for the Romney campaign. Gregg, a Senator from New Hampshire, has backed Romney coming from a state where Romney has really solidified his leads over the last couple of weeks. As you remember, I recently had a post up about how much of a lead Romney has.

While Senator Gregg did endorse GWB in 2000 (Bush lost N.H. by 19), the situation is far different from that this year. Romney actually is leading n the polls in New Hampshire while Bush was not. Regardless, this is a GREAT DAY for the ROMNEY campaign.


"I am proud to stand alongside Governor Romney as he campaigns to build a stronger America. For months, the people of New Hampshire have had the opportunity to meet Governor Romney all over the state and listen to his ideas for bringing change to Washington. Mitt Romney embodies New Hampshire's values – values that stress government living within its means, lower taxes, a stronger military and stronger families," said Senator Gregg. "Governor Romney is the strong leader we need to lead America forward. He has the experience, vision and values needed to be our next President."

Making today's announcement, Governor Romney said, "For nearly thirty years, Judd Gregg has served the citizens of New Hampshire with distinction, championing our shared conservative values. As New Hampshire's Senior Senator, he has always fought to do what is right for the people of his state, and he is one of the most respected fiscal watchdogs in Congress. Judd Gregg's leadership and support is a significant addition to our campaign to build a stronger America. As we head into New Hampshire's First in the Nation Primary, I am proud to have Judd Gregg and grassroots supporters from all across the state at my side."

Background On Senator Judd Gregg:

Senator Judd Gregg Is Serving His Third Term In The United States Senate. Senator Gregg holds a number of key leadership and committee positions, including serving as both the Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee and as Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Agencies. Senator Gregg also sits on the Senate HELP Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee. With these positions, Senator Gregg has been a prominent voice in the national debate on such vital issues as overseeing the federal budget, homeland security, national defense, education, international affairs, law enforcement, Social Security, and health care.

During his service in the Senate, Senator Gregg has worked to secure our homeland and to defend our nation against terrorism locally and nationally; to promote responsible federal spending; to increase America's energy independence; to support pro-economic growth policies in New Hampshire and the nation; and to protect New Hampshire's environment. Senator Gregg has especially focused on reducing the federal budget deficit and addressing the growth of entitlements.

Senator Gregg has the unique honor of being the first elected official in state history to serve in each of the following positions: three terms as United States Senator, 1993-present; two terms as Governor of New Hampshire, 1989-1993; four terms as United States Representative for New Hampshire's Second Congressional District, 1981-1989; and one term as Executive Councilor for New Hampshire's Council District 5, 1979-1981.

He is a New Hampshire native and is married to Kathleen MacLellan Gregg. They have two daughters, Molly and Sarah, and a son, Joshua. Senator and Mrs. Gregg are residents of Rye Beach, New Hampshire.


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